Fall 2021 Workshop
Sept. 14: Nina Bandelj, Chancellor’s Professor of Sociology, University of California-Irvine “The Visceral Economy: Market Othering and Economic Marginalization in Postsocialism”
Sept. 21: Patrice Collins, Sociology, Yale ”The Ripple Effect: When the Police Arrest and Incarcerate Poor Black Parents”
Sept. 28: Angel Parham, Professor of Social Science and Associate Professor of Sociology at Loyola University-New Orleans “The Lieu de Souvenir as Concept and Method inComparative Historical Research”
Oct. 5 Chloe Sariego, Sociology Department, Yale University “ ‘Budget IVF’: Assessing American Use of Low-Cost IVF across the Politically Contested US-Mexico Border”
Oct. 12: Adam Slez, Assistant Professor, Sociology, University of Virginia “Markets or What? Economic Networks and the Spatial Distribution of Agrarian Activism”
Oct. 19: Fall Recess
Oct. 26: Xiaohong Xu, Assistant Professor, Sociology, University of Michigan “The Great Separation: The Chinese Cultural Revolution and the Birth of Ordo-economism”
Nov. 2: Department job talk
Nov. 9: Anne Taylor, Sociology, Yale “’Harry Potter and the Sacred Text’: From Audience to Community in Social Performance”
Nov. 16: Nicolas Rudas, Sociology, Yale ”6.402: state killings in Colombia and the Numeric Construction of Solidarity”
Nov. 23 Thanksgiving Break
Nov. 30: Willa Sachs, Sociology, Yale “Victory as a Resource: A New Theoretical Perspective on Social Movement Mobilization”
Dec. 7: Dolunay Ugur, Sociology, Yale “Storytelling amidst Numbers: Capturing Impact through Case Studies in International Aid”